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Good to great.webp

Good to great - Why some companies make the leap... and others dont

This book addresses a single question: can a good company become a great company, and if so, how? Based on a five-year research project comparing companies that made the leap to those that did not, Good to Great shows that greatness is not primarily a function of circumstance but largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline. This book discusses concepts like Level 5 Leadership; First Who, Then What (first get the right people on the bus, then figure out where to drive it); the Hedgehog Concept, and the Flywheel.

🚀 My 2 cents

"Good to Great" is a long but interesting dive into what differentiates truly great companies from those that are merely good. It is really interesting on how much research has gone into building this. However, with all the research, the advice in the book is very logical, which makes you think whether all the research was the worth the effort in the first place :). But kudos to Collins and his research team. They have meticulously dissected years of data to identify the core principles that propel companies to greatness. While the book is data-driven and rooted in extensive research, it's presented in an engaging manner, making it a very easy read. The emphasis on leadership, culture, and discipline makes you think. If I was an executive, this would make a lot of sense as I could go and start implementing some of the changes tomorrow. Since I am not, it remains as a good read.

But definite read.

🎨 Tl;Dr (synopsis)


This book is an exploration into the DNA of companies that don't just achieve greatness, but sustain it over the long term. The book is the culmination of a five-year research project that began with a simple question: Why do some companies make the leap to greatness while others do not? Through rigorous analysis, Collins and his team identified a set of elite companies that made the leap and sustained it for at least 15 years, outperforming the stock market by a factor of seven.

The structure of the book is built around the key determinants of this transformation:

  • Level 5 Leadership: The book starts by emphasizing the role of leadership. Great companies have leaders who, while being ambitious for their company, maintain a personal humility. They set up successors for success and take responsibility for failures.

  • First Who, Then What: Before these companies even set a vision or strategy, they ensure they have the right people on the bus, in the right seats, and the wrong people off the bus. This principle underscores the importance of people over strategy.

  • Confront the Brutal Facts (Yet Never Lose Faith): Great companies face the harsh realities of their situation, no matter how dire, while maintaining an unwavering belief that they will prevail in the end.

  • The Hedgehog Concept: Collins introduces the idea of the Hedgehog Concept, where companies find the intersection of what they're deeply passionate about, what they can be the best in the world at, and what drives their economic engine.

  • Culture of Discipline: With a clear Hedgehog Concept, these companies maintain a culture of discipline, where people are self-disciplined to their roles and responsibilities, aligned with the company's vision.

  • Technology Accelerators: While technology is essential, great companies don't rely on it as the primary driver of transformation. Instead, they view it as an accelerator of momentum.

  • The Flywheel and the Doom Loop: The transformation doesn't happen overnight. It's a gradual process, like turning a giant flywheel. Consistent effort builds momentum over time, leading to breakthrough. In contrast, companies that jump from one new program or fad to another find themselves trapped in a "doom loop," never gaining the momentum needed for greatness.

So as you can see, a lot of advice is practical and makes logical sense. However, in terms of practicality, I do wonder. Also, throughout the book, Collins uses real-world examples to illustrate each of these principles, making the case that the path from good to great is both real and attainable.

📒 Summary + Notes

The book introduces a lot of concepts. For me personally, following concepts stood out really well:

     💡  The Flywheel and the Doom Loop:


This one is my favorite concept, which I hope to inculcate in my own life. Basically, momentum is built over time through consistent effort and decision-making. Conversely, seeking shortcuts or reacting to fads can lead to decline.


Alan Wurtzel, Circuit City’s Level 5 leader, inherited the CEO position from his father in 1973, but the company didn’t receive national recognition until 1984, when Forbes published a feature on its swift rise, portraying it like an overnight success story.

In fact, Wurtzel had inherited a nearly bankrupt company in 1973, and it took every bit of those eleven years for Circuit City to work its way to breakthrough. From rebuilding the executive team to exploring a warehouse-showroom model of retail to favoring consumer electronics over appliances, Wurtzel pursued a fact-driven and carefully paced transition.

Nucor’s buildup, too, was largely ignored by the media. Ken Iverson and his team started revamping Nucor in 1965, and by 1975, the company had built three mini-mills and reimagined its culture. But it wasn’t until 1978 that Business Week published the first major article on the company. This is due to the flywheel and doom loop concepts.

(*This article is an excerpt from the Shortform summary of "Good to Great" by Jim Collins.)










     📈First who, then what?:

      Before setting a direction, great companies first get the right people on board and the wrong people off. The right team is crucial for sustained success.​​​​​​​​​​​​

​       ♻️ The Hedgehog Concept::


     Greatness comes from focusing on what you can be the best at, what drives your economic engine, and what you're passionate about. It's about simplicity and clarity of purpose. I think this is quite interesting and something that I could apply for my personal life.









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